Ask if your Broker is a REALTOR®,
a member of the National Association of Realtors® ™
The Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS® includes Brokers and real estate industry leaders who band together to ensure a healthy real estate environment and to protect private property rights. REALTORS® are professionals helping consumers achieve the American Dream of homeownership.

The term REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
When is a real estate Broker a REALTOR®?
When they are a member of the Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS®, the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®, the world's largest professional trade association.
NAR is composed of 1.5 million REALTORS®, who are brokers, sales associates, property managers, appraisers, counselors and others engaged in all aspects of the real estate industry. Members belong to one or more of some 1,400 local associations and 54 state and territory associations of REALTORS®.
Members can join one of the many REALTOR® institutes, societies and councils. Additionally, NAR offers members the opportunity to be active in our appraisal and international real estate specialty sections. REALTORS® are pledged to a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
Working for America's property owners, the REALTOR® Association provides a facility for professional development, research and exchange of information among its members and to the public and government for the purpose of preserving the free enterprise system and the right to own real property.
REALTOR® Membership
A REALTOR® is more than just a real estate "agent/salesperson," or, in New Mexico a licensed "Broker." When you are looking for a real estate professional, it is wise to work with a REALTOR® who is committed to maintaining the professionalism of the real estate business. A REALTOR® is held to a higher standard!
Membership in a local association of REALTORS® automatically extends your membership to the state association and national association. Your membership process begins at the local REALTOR® association.
If you have a valid NM Real Estate Brokers License or NM Appraisal License and are interested in joining the Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS® please contact the Association Executive at (575) 538-2665 or e-mail for an application and fee schedule.
You pay your annual REALTOR® dues to your primary association for all three organizations - local, state and national.
Requirements for Joining Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS®:
A principal or Qualifying Broker- broker in charge as per the NMREC - submits an application and pays dues and fees.
An associate broker will "hang" their license in a member real estate office or real estate appraiser's office. The Qualifying Broker/Appraiser is billed yearly dues according to the number of licensees in their office. Most brokers pass the dues costs on to their licensees.
Complete and return a membership application, documents and pay dues and fees.
Call the local association office for breakdown of annual REALTOR® Dues as they are prorated by the local, state and national association on a monthly basis.
Additional fees are: A local application fee of $200 (one-time fee). The state new member application fee of $98 (one-time fee). The National PR Campaign Assessment of $35. Any additional fees as designated by the Associations from time to time. (prices subject to change)
Complete the online new member Code of Ethics course at
Attend the mandatory local association orientation course.
If these requirements are not fulfilled within 30-days your membership will be suspended until completion.
Take the required Code of Ethics and Fair Housing training hours every 3 yrs as mandated by NAR.
If you drop your membership in the Association or SCRMLS or have your memberships suspended for any reason, upon renewal, new application fees will be charged.
Benefits of Joining:
Engaged leadership
Local Multiple Listing Service
Education and training
Professional standards
Meetings and networking
Newsletters and email notices
Local advocacy
Service oriented staff
Affiliate Membership
Are you in the industry? We would like to invite you to join us as an affiliate member of the Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS®. As an affiliate, you would be joining a local trade association consisting of REALTORS®, appraisers, lenders, title companies, and other real estate related professionals.
A Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS® Affiliate Membership opens the door to a range of membership programs and services, as well as a variety of marketing and networking possibilities that will bring your company closer to the people who utilize the products or services you provide.
Benefits of Joining:
Expand your industry clients.
Be supported in business by SCRAR® members.
Market products and services using the membership roster.
Highlight your company in the association website and newsletter.
You may participate in association activities.
Attend SCRAR®'s business meetings and Year-End functions.
Affiliate membership is based on company size and number of employees.
Call 575-538-2665 for more information.
Pre licensing:
The Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS® does not hold any pre licensing classes locally. However, we do offer 60 of the 90 required hours to get a New Mexico real estate license through online courses. The CE Shop expects to have the full offering soon - click here.
Brightwood Real Estate Education (Kaplan) - offers pre-licensing courses. Online, self study and classroom courses. Call 888-450-4690 - click here.
Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS® - holds pre licensing classes several times a year - click here for their website or call 505-724-3469.
Las Cruces Association of REALTORS® - schedules pre licensing classes once or twice a year depending on the need - click here and click on "education" or call 575-524-0658.
Post Licensing Requirement: By NMREC Rule, either the New Broker Business Practices (30 classroom hours) or the CCIM 101 Course is to be taken by all new Associate Broker licensees within the first year of licensure.
Continuing Education:
The Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS® holds a local education session every Spring and every other Fall. These courses are typically the required annual CORE course, Ethics or Forms courses.
We also offer up to 20+ hours of continuing education through out affiliation with The CE Shop.
Per the NMREC website:
36 hour CE Requirement: All active and inactive associate brokers shall successfully complete thirty-six (36) credit hours of continuing education in courses approved by the commission during each 3-year licensing cycle. Qualifying Brokers shall complete a total of 42 continuing education hours which includes the 6 hour Qualifying Broker Refresher Course.
All Brokers: Annual Core Course Requirement. The rules require that each licensee have 12 cumulative hours comprised of the annual 4 hour NMREC Core Course series - one class each year for a total of 12 hours. Ethics Requirement: 4 hour ethics elective. Core Elective Requirement: 4 hour “core elective”.
Qualifying Brokers: Required to take the 6 hour QB Refresher and must attend either a NMREC Meeting or an NMREC Disciplinary Hearing once in their 3 year cycle.
Property Management Requirements: Submission of a Property Management Declaration Form, must take the 6 hour NM Uniform Owner Resident Relations Act Course or the commission approved 6 hour Commercial Property Management Course. Additionally, QBs must take an additional 12 hours of property management courses within their three year 36 hour cumulative minimum requirement.
Check with the New Mexico Real Estate Commission website for updates to this policy.

We offer 90 Hours of education You Need yo get your New Mexico Associate Broker Real Estate License through our affiliation with the CE Shop.

Training, Certifications and Designations
REALTOR® members are required to complete a new member orientation upon joining the Association in order for new members to get the most out of their membership. The orientation is offered both virtually and in-person.
Members are required to complete a REALTOR® Code of Ethics course every three years. This can be done online at, at a local continuing education course or by taking the CE Shop course Ethical Excellence: Raising the Bar at
Beginning in January 2025, and every three years thereafter, members will be required to take a Fair Housing course. More details to come.
NAR offers designations & certifications for real estate professionals. Completing ongoing real estate education is a sign of experience & expertise.
C2EX develops and enhances competencies that indicate a REALTOR®'s commitment to ethics, advocacy, technology, data privacy, and customer service.
Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness is a resource designed exclusively to meet the specific financial planning needs of REALTORS®.
Be an advocate for fair housing! Check out — an online simulation training about discrimination in the homebuying process.
Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing. REALTORS® are committed to abiding by fair housing laws and the Code of Ethics. But sometimes, our brains take shortcuts that can lead us astray.
Fair Housing
REALTOR® Code of Ethics - Article 10
REALTORS® shall not deny equal professional services to any person for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. REALTORS® shall not be parties to any plan or agreement to discriminate against a person or persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
REALTORS®, in their real estate employment practices, shall not discriminate against any person or persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
The law prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin.
Article 10 illustrates the REALTOR®’s commitment to fair housing. A charge alleging that a REALTOR® has violated a fair housing law may also form the basis of a charge alleging a violation of Article 10.
The REALTOR® can have nothing to do with any plan or agreement to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity with respect to any real estate transaction.
To ensure strict compliance with fair housing laws, Boards of REALTORS® are authorized to require training in fair housing as a condition of continued membership and REALTORS® are encouraged to establish ongoing equal opportunity educational training programs for individuals in their firms.
Article 10 also calls on REALTORS® to refrain from discrimination in selecting and retaining employees and independent contractors who provide real estate-related services, and the administrative and clerical staff who support them.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Silver City Association of REALTORS® is committed to being a diverse, equitable, and inclusive association. The SCRAR Strategic Plan includes the objective to promote diversity, equity and inclusion activities to our members. One of the best opportunities for members to learn about DEI is to take the NAR At Home With Diversity course. This certification course is offered online as well as in-person and is promoted to our membership throughout the year.
SCRAR leadership, and members, understand that seeking knowledge and meaningful dialogue from a variety of perspectives and resources strengthens the ability to learn from the past and provides solutions for a more promising future.
Real Estate Licensing in New Mexico
Real Estate Licensing in New Mexico
The New Mexico Real Estate Commission is the state real estate licensing entity.
Applications to take the broker’s examination are made directly to the commission’s examination contractor. Along with the application form, an applicant must submit certificates of completion of commission-approved 30 hour pre-licensing courses in real estate principles and practice, real estate law, and broker basics, equaling 90 prelicensure education hours. These pre-licensing courses must have been completed within the three years prior to application to take the broker’s examination.
To learn more - click here.