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Writer's pictureKim Clark, AE, GAD

2024 Election Notice

2024 Association and MLS

Proposed Slate of Officers and Directors

Ballots will be sent via email Monday, October 30

The annual meeting will be Thursday, November 2, 2023, at the Grant County Business & Conference Center from 11:30 am to 1 pm.

Nominations for the Silver City Regional Association Board of Directors:

Vote by the REALTOR® Membership

Lynette Holguin, President; Marisa Villegas, Pres-Elect; Robin Thomas, Treasurer;

Jessica Ybarra, Secretary; Linda Rowse, Past-President Director;

Darlene Gavaldon and Jose Velasco, Directors.

Offices for election are President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary and two Directors Darlene 1 yr & Jose 2 yrs.

Officers/Directors fulfilling a previously elected or appointed or term are Lynette Holguin and Linda Rowse.

The report of the Nominating Committee shall be noticed to each Member eligible to vote at least three (3) weeks preceding the election. Additional candidates for the offices to be filled may be placed in nomination by petition signed by at least 25% of the REALTOR members eligible to vote. The petition shall be filed with the Secretary at least two (2) weeks before the election. The Secretary shall send notice of such additional nominations to all Members eligible to vote before the election.

The election of Officers and Directors shall take place at the annual meeting, Election shall be by ballot and all votes shall be cast in person or by electronic means as established by the Association, which shall be returned 24 hours prior to the annual meeting. The ballot shall contain the names of all candidates and the offices for which they are nominated.

Nominations for the Silver City Regional Multiple Listing Service Board of Directors:

Vote by the MLS Participant (Designated REALTOR®)

Marissa Rowse, President; Dina Patton, Pres-Elect; Robin Thomas, Treasurer;

Pat Fell, Secretary; Eric Escobar, Ruth Seawolf and Peggy Humble, Directors.

All officers are elected for a one year term. Director terms are Eric Escobar 1 yr, Ruth Seawolf 1 yr and Peggy Humble 2 yrs. (The past president director position is being filled by a director due to a vacancy)

The MLS Participant is the Designated REALTOR® member of an office – the Qualifying Broker or Appraiser as certified per the MLS bylaws.

Notice of Proposed Nominees: The president shall cause a list of the proposed nominees selected by the nominating committee to be forwarded to the participants of the service, setting forth the time, place, and other pertinent conditions of the meeting to select the final list of nominees by vote of the participants of the service. The notice to the participants of the service concerning the meeting to select nominees for officers and directors shall be mailed or emailed to the address on file with the service on a date at least 21 days prior to the proposed meeting.

Rights of Participants to Select Additional Nominees: The names of additional proposed nominees may be added to the list selected by the nominating committee by a petition submitted to the secretary of the service by 25% of the participants of the service, with said petition received not less than 14 days prior to the date of meeting of the participants to select nominees for officers and directors. The names contained in such petition, if duly received and certified, shall be presented in writing to the participants at the meeting to select nominees as additional nominees for consideration for such office as specified in the petition.

Vote to Select Nominees: The list of the proposed nominees selected by the nominating committee, and of those nominated by petition, duly received and certified as required in Article 6.3.3, shall be delivered by email to the participants of the service a minimum of 48 hours prior to the duly noticed meeting. Participants may vote by responding to the email, or in person at the location of the duly noticed meeting. A Quorum must vote either by email or in person, and a majority vote will constitute election of the nominees. An email vote shall be considered a proxy vote with an electronic signature pursuant to NMSA 1978, sec. 53-8-15(B) and NMSA 1978, sec. 14-16-7. (Amended 04/23)


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