Elections will be held Thursday, November 12, 2020
The official notice has been posted on the MLS homepage and in the membership newsletter.
Nominations for the Association Board:
Vote by the Membership
Robin Thomas, President; Cassie Carver, Pres-Elect; Dina Patton, Treasurer;
Marisa Villegas, Secretary; Nikki O’Connell, Past-President Director;
Danna Stout and Lynette Holguin, Directors.
Nominations for the MLS Board:
Vote by the MLS Participants (Qualifying Brokers)
Dana Carlsen, President; Pat Fell, Pres-Elect; Dina Patton, Treasurer;
Cassie Carver, Secretary; Rosalee Sirgany, Past President Director;
Sandra Hicks and A.J. Sandoval, Directors.