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Broker Beware: Check Your Photos in Zillow

If at anytime in the past, a party (Broker/Owner) has directly uploaded pictures into Zillow (opposed to the pictures coming through an MLS or brokerage feed), then those pictures will automatically appear first (before current MLS-fed photos), unless the broker goes into Zillow and makes the change as specified below.

Below are the instructions to updating the photo settings on an active listing. 

1. Make sure you're logged into your Zillow account and access the listing. From the "more" menu at the top right side of the listing page, select "edit listing, photo, and price":

2. From here, scroll down to the photo section. "My Photos" are photos that have been manually added to the listing page, while "Feed Photos" are photos provided via the listing data feed. Click the bubble next to the photos you wish to display and the bubble will fill in with a blue checkmark:

3. Save the changes at the bottom of the page by clicking the blue "update for sale by agent" button.

We're always happy to do this for you, but I wanted to provide the steps should you run into this in the future.

Also, attached to this email is some information on how to virtually manage your clients through these times. A lot of agents have been doing so and have found it effective. 


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