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Estimated Taxes: Why, When, How, and How Much?

Self-employment is great, but without an employer to withhold taxes from your paycheck, how do you make sure you’re paying your taxes correctly?

Self-employment is great, especially when you’re making money. But without an employer to withhold taxes from your paycheck, how do you make sure you’re paying your taxes correctly? We’ll talk about when estimated taxes are due, how to pay them, how to calculate what you owe, and what to do if you miss a payment. We’ll also talk about state taxes, safe harbors, and some tips for managing your tax payments in a two-earner household.

Learn about when estimated taxes are due, how to pay them, how to calculate what you owe, and what to do if you miss a payment at NAR's Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness webinar. A certified enrolled agent and CFP® will also discuss state taxes, safe harbors, and some tips for managing your tax payments in a two-earner household.

Estimated Taxes: Why, When, How, and How Much? Wednesday, May 25th 12:00 pm - 1:00pm MT

NAR Member $10

Non-member or guest $15


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