Your Silver City Regional Multiple Listing membership, when explained clearly and simply, can make you look really awesome to consumers.
How do we know? Well, we did the research and tested it out.
Turns out only 24% of consumers have even a vague notion of what the Multiple Listing Service is, let alone how it benefits them. But... when you explain it in non-industry language, they get it — big time.

You probably don’t talk much to clients and prospects about how the Multiple Listing Service helps you do what you do. It’s an essential tool you rely upon, but maybe take for granted.
We get that. But it’s a missed opportunity.
Right now, new tech companies and “disruptors,” are challenging your value, and telling consumers an incomplete story about how the real estate market works.
We want to help you tell your story more completely by giving you the tools to communicate how you use the Multiple Listing Service to do what you do.
Today we are announcing a campaign — In The Know™ — to educate buyers, sellers and owners about the Multiple Listing Service and how it enhances your value, as their agent.
This campaign highlights two key truths they should know:
That fully informed real estate decisions based on complete and impartial information are possible only through your guidance and your access to the Multiple Listing Service.
That an open marketplace, where professionals like you work together on a neutral platform (the Multiple Listing Service) to make transactions happen is the best way to get homes sold. Not through apps, portals or any other network.
The In The Know™ campaign tells this story in language that consumers will understand and in a way that will enhance your value proposition.
Please participate in this campaign. It is for you.
Go to the In The Know™ website and see how you can use the story of the Multiple Listing Service to open consumers’ eyes to a dimension of your value they may not have considered before. Expect more in the coming weeks, but please take a moment today and get yourself In The Know™ around this important message.