Leigh Brown to Moderate National Event Via Live Broadcast
Silver City, NM - May 1, 2021 Leigh Brown, CEO of One Community Real Estate™, is spearheading the fourth annual nationwide fundraiser and training event on June 17, 2021. Brown will teach the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics class to participating associations across the United States. The Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS® is proud to sponsor this event which is a nationwide fundraiser for the REALTORS® Relief Foundation.
As former EVP William D. North wrote, "To endure, the Code must be a criterion of excellence while at the same time constituting a realistic standard of performance. It must be a guide to measure professional conduct, while at the same time representing the furthest reach of professional aspiration. The Code must remain constant without becoming absolute, must be enforceable without being oppressive, and must be meaningful without being dogmatic. To REALTORS®, the Code of Ethics offers the lessons of hindsight, the guidance of foresight, and the understanding of insight.
“This is my gift to my profession — we're going to make a giant gift to the REALTORS® Relief Foundation.” said Brown. “When major disaster strikes, the REALTORS® Relief Foundation has one goal: help families who have endured unimaginable loss. Natural disasters continue to happen – pandemic or not. Our support will help RRF continue meeting the immediate housing needs of disaster victims.
“This is going to be fun! We're going to get the hashtag trending again #NationalEthicsDay and get our REALTOR® members talking about what it means to be bound by the code of ethics. Not just talking about it like words on paper.”
The National Code of Ethics class will be broadcast LIVE! Thursday, June 17, 2021 from 10:00am – 1:00pm PST (1:00pm – 4:00pm EST) from Citrus Valley Association of REALTORS® in Gendora, CA. More information about the event can be found on Website (nationalethicsday.com) and Facebook (@NationalCodeofEthicsDay). #NationalEthicsDay
REALTORS® RELIEF FOUNDATION – Over 18 years, the foundation has collected and distributed more than $32 million in aid for some 80 disasters in 39 states and territories since it launched after the September 11 terrorist attacks. It’s helped more than 13,000 families. Every dollar goes directly to victims of disaster. The National Association of REALTORS® covers 100% of administrative expenses. https://www.nar.realtor/about-nar/grants-and-funding/realtors-relief-foundation
LEIGH BROWN- International sales/motivational speaker who happens to be hilarious in an almost-inappropriate-but-still-family-friendly way. One of the top-selling REALTORS® in the Charlotte, North Carolina real estate market. With the 2020 launch of One Community Real Estate®, Leigh continues her mission to support and develop REALTORS® who are both leaders and advocates in their own communities while still striving to serve buyers and sellers as their REALTOR® advocate. In the RPAC Hall of Fame x3 (high five if you know what that is).
The Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS® includes Brokers and real estate industry leaders who band together to ensure a healthy real estate environment and to protect private property rights. REALTORS® are professionals helping consumers achieve the American Dream of home ownership.
(NM CE pending)
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