Comparing housing availability for the past three years in the Silver City Regional MLS.
Housing availability in Grant County as of October 2021. There are 69 site-built homes listed with a median asking price of $299,000, with an average of 167 days-on-the-market. There are 7 single-wide homes listed with a median asking price of $100,000, and 44 avg dom. There are 8 multi-wide homes listed with a median asking price of $182,000, and 118 avg dom. 2 modular homes with a median asking price of $92,000 and 46 avg dom. 0 condos - 0 new construction (new class).
Land availability in Grant County as of October 2021. There are 95 single family lots for sale with a median asking price of $27,995, with an average of 592 days-on-the-market. There are 73 restricted rural lots, median asking $129,000, 1103 avg dom. 59 unrestricted rural lots, median asking $69,500, avg 658 dom. 13 commercial/industrial, median asking $200,000, 316 avg dom.
Housing availability in Grant County as of October 2020. There are 113 site-built homes listed with a median asking price of $265,500, with an average of 211 days-on-the-market. There are 2 single-wide homes listed with a median asking price of $98,000, and 117 dom. There are 10 multi-wide homes listed with a median asking price of $135,500, and 191 dom. 1 modular, median asking $297,000 and 4 dom. 1 condo, median asking $139,000, 63 dom.
Land availability in Grant County as of October 2020. There are 103 single-family lots for sale with a median asking price of $29,500, and 669 days-on-the-market. There are 83 restricted rural lots, median asking $100,000, 1099 dom. 60 unrestricted rural lots, median asking $63,625, 872 dom. 11 commercial/industrial, median asking $115,000, 835 dom.
Housing availability in Grant County as of August 2019. There are 204 site-built homes listed with a median asking price of $199,450, with an average of 209 days-on-the-market. There are 11 single-wide homes listed with a median asking price of $75,000, and 141 dom. There are 21 multi-wide homes listed with a median asking price of $130,000 and 134 dom. There is 1 modular home on the market with a median asking price of $85,000, and 32 dom. There are 0 condo units listed. (Via SCRMLS stats)
Land availability in Grant County as of August 2019. There are 130 single-family lots for sale with a median asking price of $28,000, and 683 days-on-the-market. There are 97 restricted rural lots for sale with a median asking price of $75,000, and 871 dom. There are 90 unrestricted rural lots for sale with a median asking price of $66,500, and 771 dom. There are 13 commercial/industrial lots for sale with a median asking price of $175,00, and 740 dom.
(Via SCRMLS stats)