Ask if your Broker is a REALTOR®,
a member of the National Association of Realtors® ™
The Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS® includes Brokers and real estate industry leaders who band together to ensure a healthy real estate environment and to protect private property rights. REALTORS® are professionals helping consumers achieve the American Dream of homeownership.

Our organization consists of two governing bodies, the association board of directors and the multiple listing service board of directors. The MLS is wholly owned by the Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS®. Both boards meet on a monthly basis. We hold a quarterly membership breakfast for the general membership.
About Us
Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS®, Inc.
1930 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM 88061
Phone: (575) 538-2665
The Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS® is a not-for-profit professional trade association. The National Association of REALTORS® issued the association's original charter in January of 1951. The organization has gone through several name changes over the years, finally determining that Silver City Regional best fit the member demographics. The territorial jurisdiction of SCRAR as granted by NAR includes Grant and Hidalgo counties. At present, membership also includes offices in Silver City, Cliff, Mimbres, Reserve, and Deming with several appraisal members statewide.
The Silver City Regional Association of REALTORS® and Multiple Listing Service has a membership of 21 REALTOR® offices, with 75 qualifying and associate brokers and 3 REALTOR® appraisers.
The REALTOR® organization is a "federation" or a "union" of organizations held together by the Three-Way Agreement, which provides a framework for effective communication, delivery of goods and services, and enforcement of the REALTORS® Code of Ethics. With this agreement, which forms the basis of the structure of the REALTOR® organization, the National Association grants each state and local association the right to control the terms "REALTOR®" and "REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®" within its territorial jurisdiction. It also permits associations to allow individuals who are qualified for membership to use the terms REALTOR® and REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®. In turn, the state associations and local boards and associations agree to:
accept the charge of properly granting and regulating the use of the terms "REALTOR®" and "REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®"
subscribe to and enforce the Code of Ethics of the National Association
This federated structure allows the REALTOR® organization to use its combined resources (both human and financial) and influence to have a unified, powerful voice in shaping public policy, set recognized standards for ethical real estate practice, and contribute to the betterment of the real estate industry.
Association Board of Directors
Is responsible of overseeing the business of the association and its subsidiaries. This board typically meets the third Thursday of the month.
2024 President, Lynette Holguin - President Elect, Marisa Villegas - Treasurer, Robin Thomas - Secretary, Jessica Ybarra - Past President, Linda Rowse - Directors, Jose Velasco and Darlene Gavaldon.
The objectives of the National Association of REALTORS® and its constituent Member Boards are to:
(1) provide facilities for education, to raise the standards of real estate practice, and preserve the right of property ownership in the interest of the public welfare
(2) promote and maintain high standards of conduct in the transaction of real estate business
(3) formulate and promulgate a Code of Ethics for members of the National Association
(4) license the right to display and use the emblem seal of the National Association of REALTORS® and the right to use the terms REALTOR®, REALTORS®, and REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®
(5) inform the public of the advantages of transacting business with REALTORS®, and to encourage use by members of the term REALTOR® and the emblem seal
Did you know that AE's and Board members have to attend training every year to retain our Association Charter from NAR as part of the annual Core Standards certification?
"Every man owes part of his time and money to the business or industry to which he is engaged. No man has a moral right to withhold his support from an organization that is striving to improve conditions within his sphere."
–Theodore Roosevelt.
The local association is the most visible and best-known component of the REALTOR® organization. It is at this level that members can actively participate on a regular basis and contribute to achieve common goals to better the industry.
The following list of activities provides a partial picture of a local association's function:
Provides the organization, administration, and execution of REALTOR® policy.
Provides a headquarters or "place" for REALTORS® to discuss plans and to implement policy in which they are in agreement.
Elects its leadership and selects its staff to execute final decisions.
Grants use of the terms REALTOR® and REALTOR-ASSOCIATE® to eligible members and ensures proper use of both terms.
Provides educational meetings and seminars on real estate topics.
Enforces the NAR Code of Ethics and provides an arbitration process for contractual disputes between REALTORS® and between REALTORS® and their clients. (A professional standards committee is charged with such responsibility, subject to provisions of the bylaws and to control by the board of directors.)
Is the collective voice of all its members, by virtue of electing--through democratic processes -- its officers and directors, by appointing REALTORS® and REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®s to its committees, by having membership meetings, and by entertaining suggestions and complaints.
Provides training in public service and organized real estate through service on committees and in elective positions.
Provides, through tested and proven service on the local association level, an opportunity for service on the state and national level.
Organizes and maintains the important function of cooperative business practices, such as a Multiple Listing Service.
Often provides a real estate library, training films and cassettes, standard business forms, advertising, publicity, public relations, and the opportunity for civic participation on behalf of the association and its members.
A local REALTOR® association can be a great force for the public welfare of any community, and it can be a tremendous service to and on behalf of its REALTOR® members.
Distinguished Members
Viola Smith, Smith Real Estate has been granted REALTOR® Emeritus status from the National Association of REALTORS®
Becky Smith, Smith Real Estate has been granted REALTOR® Emeritus status from the National Association of REALTORS®
Debbie Rogers, 2012 President of the New Mexico Association of REALTORS®
Pat Fell, 2016 President of the New Mexico Association of REALTORS®

Kim Clark,
Association Executive and Government Affairs Director

Kim has been with the association and MLS since 1996. She is a leader in the industry having served on numerous state committees, both as a member and chairperson. Kim currently serves as a member of the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® Legislative Committee and as the 2023 Chair of the Issues Advocacy Committee.
Kim received the Omega Tau Rho medal of service from the state and national REALTOR® associations in 2006. She also earned the CMLX1 Executive Designation (July 2023), Real Estate Data - Business (RESO-RED) certification in July 2022, the NAR At Home with Diversity (AHWD) designation in April 2021, and the Commitment to Excellence (C2EX) Certification in December 2020.
Certified Trainer REALTORS® Property Resource (RPR)
Paragon MLS System Trainer
NAR Grievance Committee Training (Oct 2019)
NAR Professional Standards Committee Training (Oct 2019)
NAR Leadership 200 (Aug 2016)
Ombudsman Training for REALTORS® (Oct 2015)
Nonprofit Sustainability Training, ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit innovation (Sept 2013)
Certificate of Scholastic Achievement - REALTOR® Association Management (April 2006 & March 2009)
Grant County Leadership Program, Rural Community Assistance Corporation - Ford Institute for Community Building (May 2008)
Individual Development Course, BPW USA (Feb 2002)
Kim volunteers her time to many local civic organizations holding office or committee appointments in most. She was named the 2018 Grant County Volunteer of the Year by the Silver City Grant County Chamber of Commerce.
REALTORS® of the Year
The REALTOR® of the Year annual award recognizes those who have served the real estate profession and their communities.
2023 - Lynette Holguin
2022 - Marisa Villegas
2021 - Dina Patton
2020 - Susan Turner
2019 - Nikki O'Connell
2018 - Linda Rowse
2017 - Linda Middlebrook
2016 - Dana Carlsen
2015 – Cassie Carver
2014 – Robin Thomas
2013 – Dale Spurgeon
2012 – Cissy McAndrew
2011 – L J Lundy
2010 - Paul Ciano
2009 – Dawn Holladay
2007 – Linda Middlebrook
2006 – Billy Donnel
2005 – Patrick Conlin
2004 – Pat Fell
2003 – Jerry Thomas/ Patrick Conlin
2002 – Debbie Rogers
2001 – Debbie Rogers
2000 – Ian Benge
1999 – Laura Stiles
1998 – Pat Fell
1997 – Barbara Choate
Past Presidents
We thank these REALTORS® for their leadership and service.
2024: Lynette Holguin
2023: Linda Rowse
2022: Cassie Carver
2021: Robin Thomas
2020: Nicole O’Connell
2019: Linda J. Lundy
2018: Elizabeth McAndrew
2017: Cassie Carver
2016: Dana Carlsen
2015: Paul I. Ciano
2014: Sylvia Mikes
2013: Dale Spurgeon
2011-2012: Linda J. Lundy
2010: Sylvia Mikes
2009: Patrick Conlin
2008: Robin Thomas
2007: Larry Trujillo
2006: Billy Donnel
2005: Paul I. Ciano
2004: Georgia L. Bearup
2003: William G. Thomas
2002: Carol A. Baumgartner
2001: Debbie Rogers
2000: Ian Benge
1999: Thonda Oliver
1998: Pat Fell
1997: William R. Bowen
1996: Barbara Choate
1995: John Ayarbe
1994: Carol Thompson
1992-1993: Gail Herd
1991: Dan Dunagan
1990: Becky Smith
1989: Wilburn R. Ashcraft
1988: Weta Ann Salars
1987: Donna Young
1986: Bill Rodden
1985: Barbara L. Peters
1984: Don Stiles
1981-1983: Robert Keil
1980: George Pendleton
1979: Marilyn Berry
1976-1978: J. Dale Snyder
1975: Wilburn R. Ashcraft
1974: Robert G. Everard
1972-1973: Carl Hansen
1971: Viola Smith
1969-1970: William B. Nichols
1967-1968: Jackie M. Haller
1966: Walt Langendorf
1965: Eleanor L. Gusoskey
1964: Viola Smith
1963: Robert Everard
1962: Richard Kennedy
1960-1961: Ted Foster
1959: Ralph Elder
1957-1958: Mattye M. Davis
1955-1956: Fern Shell
1954: Robert A. Barnes
1952-1953: Mattye M. Davis
Contact Us
1930 Highway 180 East
Silver City, New Mexico 88061