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New Member Toolkit

Every effort is made to ensure this page is updated - please verify with staff! Membership document review and onboarding takes 2-3 days once all documentation is received.

You now have your license from the New Mexico Real Estate Commission. Your next step is to join the local REALTOR® association and/ or multiple listing service. 

REALTOR® Membership is extended to New Mexico real estate qualifying brokers, associate brokers, and appraisers.

To join, complete and scan, email, or deliver:

  1. SCRAR REALTOR® membership application

  2. Application coversheet

  3. Copy of your New Mexico broker/appraisal license

  4. If you are, or have been, a REALTOR® member of another Association you must provide a letter of good standing from the primary association along with your application

Review the payment schedule PDF for a breakdown of dues and fees. An invoice will be emailed to you to pay your local, state, and national REALTOR® dues. You will be invoiced as soon as your application is received - and reviewed - payment is due upon receipt 

Also, joining SCR Multiple Listing Service? Learn more here.

New Applicants

You will be assigned a REALTOR® membership number (M1#). Watch for an email from to verify your email.


Complete NAR’s REALTOR® orientation


First, you will first need to create your NAR member account at using your membership number (M1#) that staff will email you.


Next, access the new member orientation module at by clicking here. Upon completion of the module, you will receive a certificate that can be downloaded and sent to staff as proof of completion. Please note, once you log in to the LMS and begin the module, you will have 30 days to complete the module. Once the module is complete, you will only have access to the Learning Management System for 7 additional days.

Finally, complete NAR’s new member Code of Ethics orientation course. Email the certificate of completion NAR emails when you finish the course. It should only take you a couple of hours. Completion of this new member course satisfies NAR's 3-year Code of Ethics mandatory ethics training requirement.

Complete the SCRAR orientation. It is an in-person or online informational session with the Association Executive to cover bylaws, services, products, and more.

You have 30 days to complete all items or your REALTOR® membership will be suspended until completion.

Other New Member Resources

  1. It is important to use NAR's membership marks—including the REALTOR® logo and the terms REALTOR®, REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®, and REALTORS®—correctly and according to the rules outlined in the Membership Marks Manual.

  2. DOWNLOAD the CE Tracking sheet from NMREC here under continuing education forms. You are required to take the New Broker Business Practices course in the FIRST Year of licensure & the NMREC Core Course EVERY year. Don't forget and jeopardize your license.

  3. Here is The Essential Guide to Real Estate Showings for New Agents. ShowingTime is the system we use to set up showing appointments and to request feedback from appointments.

  4. MasterLock Vault Enterprise. Many of our brokers use this Bluetooth lockbox system. The boxes are integrated with Showingtime to use either a code or an app on your phone.

  5. REALTORS® Property Resource - a member benefitNew NAR members are old hat for RPR’s expert trainers! We’ll get you “wowing” clients and closing deals in no time.

New membership forms below:

onboarding takes 2-3 days

Do not forget your New Broker Business Practices Class in the first year as required by the Real Estate Commission

SCRAR & SCRMLS membership Change form below:

Please let staff know if you have any questions or 575-538-2665.

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